Conditional Sentences: Tipe I, II dan III Conditional Sentences: Tipe I, II dan III

Conditional Sentences: Tipe I, II dan III

Conditional sentence (kalimat pengandaian) adalah kalimat yang mengandaikan suatu keinginan, harapan, rencana, dan Iain-lain yang masih bisa terjadi [possible), sesuatu yang tidak terpenuhi/angan-angan (unreal), dan tidak terwujud (impossible).

Kondisional atau conditional sentences digunakan untuk menyatakan kemungkinan, harapan, atau situasi yang bersifat hipotetis. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas tiga tipe kondisional tersebut secara terstruktur

Contoh Conditional Sentences

  • If I work hard, I will have a lot of money. (Jika aku bekerja keras, aku akan memiliki banyak uang)
  • If I study English, I will get good score in TOEFL. (Jika aku belajar bahasa Inggris, aku akan mendapatkan nilai yang bagus dalam tes TOEFL)
  • If I had a lot of money, I would buy an expensive car. (Jika aku memiliki banyak uang, aku akan menibeli mobil yang mahal)
  • If i were you, I would work in that foreign company. (Jika aku jadi kamu, aku akan bekerja di perusahaan asing itu)
  • We would have got the ticket if we had come earlier. (Kita akan mendapatkan tiket jika kita datang lebih awal.)

Jenis-jenis Conditional Sentences

Tipe I (Probabli Condition)

Tipe I conditional adalah suatu kalimat pengandaian biasa : apa yang diandaikan akan mudah terpenuhi apabila syaratnya terpenuhi.

Contoh :

  • If i have money, i will buy a computer set. (jika saya punya uang, saya akan membeli perangkat komputer)
  • He will give you some sweets if you help him. (ia akan memberimu gula-gula jika kamu menolongnya)

Pada kalimat di atas, jika syarat “punya uang” terpenuhi, maka apa yang diandaikan yaitu “membeli perangkat komputer” akan terlekasana / terpenuhi.

Susunan / bentuk conditional clause Type I adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Anak kalimatnya (=if-clause): If + present (V1); induk kalimatnya: Simple Future (shall/will + V1) 

Contoh :

  1. If you put ice in the sun, it will melt.
  2. If you ring the bell there, the servant will come out.
  3. There will be a flood if it rains hard for more than eight hours
Baca Juga :   Contoh Menceritakan Kegiatan Favorit dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Tipe II (Improbable Condition)

Type II conditional clause adalah suatu kalimat keandaian dimana yang diandaikan adalah sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi meskipun kita bisa membayangkan dengan jelas apa yang diandalkan.

Ketidakmungkinan terjadinya adalah karena apa yang diandaikan dalam kalimat itu adalah sesuatu yang berlawanan dengan kenyataan yang ada.

Susunan / bentuk conditional clause type II adalah sebagai berikut.

  • Anak kalimat (=if-clause): if + simple past (V2); induk kalimatnya: Conditional (should/would + V1)


  1. If I knew, I would tell you.
  2. Would she get angry if i tore this photograph?
  3. If i were a butterfly, I would go anywhere I like to look for honey.
  4. I would fly to Taiper if I had enough money.
  5. If we smoked in the station, the police would arrested us.
  6. The students would go home earlier if the music teacher did not come at 10.00
  7. If i were you, i would accept his offer.

Ctatatan: pada tipe II ini, be menjadi were untuk semua subjek.

Type III (Impossible Condition)

Conditional Clause Type III digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu pengandaian yang tak mungkin terjadi karena apa yang diandaikan itu adalah sesuatu yang sudah berlalu atau terjadi di masa lampau.

Susunan/ bentuk conditional clause type III sebagai berikut:

  • Anak kalimat (=if-clause): if + past perfect (had + V3); induk kalimatnya: past conditional (should/would + have + V3)


  1. If I had known about it, i would have informed you
  2. I would have come if I had known about it
  3. If you had come to the meeting, you would have seen the Prime Minister
  4. If the rain had failed to come last season, everything would have been draught.
  5. She would not have sung the song if we had not asked her to do so.


Ubahllah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini menjadi tipe I, II dan III

  1. If I were you, I would accept her offer of job.
  2. what would you do to the elementary schools if you were a minister of education?
  3. Mr. Lauw wouldn’t have been late if he had got up earlier this morning?
  4. Helen shouldn’t have made mistakes if I had known about that.
  5. The grass won’t get green if the rain fails to fall down.
  6. More people would have suffered if the war had not stopped.
  7. “If I were a grain of corn, the chicken would eat me,” said the madman.
  8. If I ring the bell, will anyone open the door?
  9. You would have a stomachache if you ate thid food.
  10. I’m sure that the pepper seeds will die if the rain fails to come.
  11. If the lights go out, we will go to bed early.
  12. You’ll be late to the conference if you don’t leave now.
Baca Juga :   70+ Kalimat Sehari-hari dalam Bahasa Inggris


  1. I     : If I am you, I will accept her offer of job.
    II    : If I were you, I would accept her offer of job.
    III   : If I had been you, I would have accepted her offer of job
  2. I  : what will you do to the elementary schools if you are a minister of education?
    II    : what would you do to the elementary schools if you were a minister of education?
    III   : what would have you done to the elementary schools if you had been a minister of education?
  3. I     : Mr. Lauw will not be late if he gets up earlier this morning?
    II    : Mr. Lauw wouldn’t be late if he get up earlier this morning?
    III   : Mr. Lauw wouldn’t have been late if he had got up earlier this morning?
  4. I     : Helen will not make mistakes if I know about that.
    II    : Helen shouldn’t make mistakes if I knew about that.
    III   : Helen shouldn’t have made mistakes if I had known about that.
  5. I     : The grass won’t get green if the rain fails to fall down.
    II    : The grass wouldn’t get green if the rain failed to fall down.
    III   : The grass wouldn’t have got green if the rain had failed to fall down.
  6. I     : More people will suffer if the war does not stop.
    II    : More people would suffer if the war did not stopped.
    III   : More people would have suffered if the war had not stopped.
  7. I     : “If I am a grain of corn, the chicken will eat me,” said the madman.
    II    : “If I were a grain of corn, the chicken would eat me,” said the madman.
    III   : “If I had been a grain of corn, the chicken would have eaten me,” said the madman.
  8. I     : If I ring the bell, will anyone open the door?
    II    : If I rang the bell, would anyone open the door?
    III   : If I had rung the bell, would anyone have opened the door?
  9. I     : You will have a stomachache if you eat thid food.
    II    : You would have a stomachache if you ate thid food.
    III   : 
  10. I   : I’m sure that the pepper seeds will die if the rain fails to come.
    II  : I were sure that the pepper seeds would die if the rain failed to come.
    III : I had been sure that the pepper seeds would have died if the rain had failed to come.
  11. I   : If the lights go out, we will go to bed early.
    II  : If the lights went out, we would go to bed early.
    III : If the lights had gone out, we would have gone to bed early.
  12. I   : You’ll be late to the conference if you don’t leave now.
    II  : You would be late to the conference if you didn’t leave now.
    III : You would have been late to the conference if you had not left now.

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